Mr.  Ms.

Present address:

as participant in the Stockhausen Courses Kürten 2019.

Dates (arrival – departure):

July 26th 2019–

Mobility in Kürten:

 Yes  maybe

I would be willing to participate with my car in

Preferred lodging:

private *


vacation apartment *


hotel single room


hotel double room *


 * I agree to share a room with another participant.


I have transferred 360 € to the Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik
(IBAN: DE41 3701 0050 0121 6785 09; BIC / SWIFT: PBNKDEFFXXX,
Postbank Köln, Postfach, 51222 Köln. Bank charges
for the transfer are at my expense.


I have paid 360 € by PayPal.
